Experienced Child Custody & Lawyers

| Mar 9, 2016 | Child Custody, Family Law

At Ruppert & Schaefer, P.C. we strive to achieve child custody solutions that are in the best interest of the child – and the parents. Whether you are seeking visitation rights per the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines or requesting full custody of your child/children, we’re here to help. Our initial goal is explore whether both parties can agree on visitation or parenting time terms. If that is not possible, there are other options available and your attorney can discuss those options with you.

Our law firm knows how important your children are to you. During or after a divorce there’s often conflict on who should and who shouldn’t have custody of the children. You need good representation to help you understand the laws and guide you through the custody process.

Our firm can assist you with both legal and physical custody issues.

Legal Custody – Will one parent or both parents make decisions for the children regarding education, religion and healthcare?

Physical Custody – Where will the children live? With one parent primarily or with both parents on a relatively equal basis? Or will it be something in between?

Our law firm is a strong advocate for your rights and your relationship with your children. We believe your child deserves an enriching relationship with you. Ruppert & Schaefer, P.C., will work to ensure that your child custody rights are protected. For a consultation with Ruppert & Schaefer, P.C., call 317-660-8150 or contact us online.